What the media is hiding from the people of the world and as the gentleman said the only way to exit the economy and allow the Fiat collapse under its own weight.
And on July 4th, 2020 every person in the world needs to buy any amount of bitcoin to show the world the power of Bitcoin to show our independence and vote with our pocketbook to leave Fiat forever.
Link to support this site https://platinum.crypto.com/r/sbu2p93dj4 to sign up for Crypto.com and we both get $50 USD 🙂 referral code sbu2p93dj4
Bitcoin is a bottom-up approach to bringing black Americans to the top 1% of society’s independence from under the thumb of the Government and the control through social programs to get our vote. We need to stop fighting about black and white, Republican or Democratic, and all work together and exit the economy through Bitcoin.
This is a great book review of Bitcoin and Black America and hearing from the readers and there insight and thoughts on the future of Black Americans.
As America burns and people are losing their jobs and soon to we will have a foreclosure Tsunami approaching wall street is enjoying a rebound in the market from the freshly printed cash thanks to there friends at the federal reserve