The time will come when the US dollar will collapse and be worth no more than the scrap and or collection value of its cotton-paper and dross coins. This is were bitcoin and Gold and silver and the top safest countries to move to.
Forbes Contributor Billy Bambrough advised that
Donald Trump And The Fed Are Destroying The U.S. Dollar
El Salvador becomes the first country to make bitcoin legal tender
Bitcoin has plenty of room to grow with $544 Trillion in derivatives in the world money sitting on the sidelines. The US is printing over 1 million dollars a second eclipsing the market cap of Bitcoin every 36 hours with no end in sight. Just put in perspective the world currency is estimated at $90.4 trillion dollars and the US is printing $6.2 trillion just for starters. The only concern is that hyperinflation does not set in as more and more governments remove cash from society. This is why I think the Fed is creating the FedCoin to be able to charge us negative interest as they do in Europe just to have the privilege for them to hold our money in their banks or soon to be the federal reserve. At the same time, US will try to replace the current currency with a new digital currency allowing the old currency to fail. This is only my opinion but every county always had a replacement currency in place as one failed just as did Venezuela.